

“We will go to see the world and we will go on bikes” was stated clearly. The following step was getting a map. “But which way will we actually go?” We were traveling with our finger on the map and were already seeing ourselves in the most beautiful parts of the planet. However we were woken up from the illusions by the fact that we actually do not have anything to cycle on. The type of the vehicle was clear – a bike. But which one? It must manage a pretty loads of kilometers. And that’s how the few weeks long searching for the right bike candidates started.

The first choice we made were aluminum bikes with a strong fork. However after few kilometers we found out that cycling these evokes more of riding a wild goat. We missed the fact that aluminum bikes are on one hand very available on the market but on the other one it absorbs vibration so badly and without a spring fork it’s gonna beat the hell out of you. The winning material was therefore the steel. To get a new steel bike in Check Republic is almost impossible and import from abroad is very expensive. So we had to look around for someone who would have been able to make such bikes for us by custom. It took few months but now we finally have what to cycle on.



Spending a lot of time outside, drive away the bothering flies, meet the dangerous insects face to face, going through places with a low level of hygiene, it all sounded like a good reason why to visit a vaccination center where we let ourselves to get several vaccinations. Safety first.

You need to suffer for beauty. Twice more for making your dream come true. Buying nice clothes and spending time in coffee houses was over. The hard times have begun. Even for the piggy bang.

But all the savings will last us for like 1 year of our trip. But we plan it to be longer. What now? We will need to refill our moneybox. We got an idea. New Zealand, the country of fruit pickers and it’s on the way! We tried our luck and fought for the place among 1200 fastest Czech people, requesting for the working visa on the other side of the world. All the Saints needed to be on our side because on 6th of March 2017 we really became the lucky ones and we can go to collect some kiwis.  

It would be a sin to not share our experiences which will enrich our lives and through the pictures not to bring you the beauty we will get to know. That’s why our next step was making our own web page. Well, it’s not only about paying the fee for the server, think out the name and writing posts and picture how we recently realized. We, never kissed by an IT knowledge, were creating the page for some pretty amount of days until almost fainting away.

Now we still need to get some more stuff done like buying some equipment, un-registration from the health insurance company, getting travel insurance and bank accounts, put together the first aid and, eventually, organizing a big farewell party.

And if you are curious how we are training our physical condition – Paja cycle to work every day (10 km daily) and Kata has reached her first 42,5 km this year.  

One Response to “Preparing

  • Janice Au
    7 years ago

    It might be easy to bring out an idea but definitely not all people will made it to be true. To see the world by bike. Life is short and You girls made it ROCK!!!

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